Extra Paint
The Extra Paint finish is a high quality finish that allows the parts to be painted with any RAL + varnish (matt, satin or gloss). The process is done with liquid paint to achieve the highest quality and level of detail.
Colours available in Extra Paint

With the Extra Paint you can choose the RAL Colour that you want + the varnish that you need for you application.
The resistent of the painting it's depend of the varnish that you choose. The glossy varnish are more resistent than the matte varnish.


Semi Gloss




How is the surface finish
With the Extra Paint finish we make a Vapor Smoothing to the piece before applying the color and varnish. For this reason, the final result is a much smoother piece than what we are used to in pieces manufactured with Multi Jet Fusion technology.
We obtain a roughness of 1-3 μm on the parts.
Examples of Extra Paint

How do we do it
To attain the high quality of our Extra Paint Finishing, we go through the following processes:
- First, we apply a Vapor Smoothing to the parts to reduce the rugosity of the surface.
- Then, we coat parts with automotive grade liquid paint.
- Finally we apply the clear coat to achieve maximum resistance and UV protection.
Areas where the finish is applied


Painting and Varnishing
With the Extra Paint finish, almost 100% of the piece is painted. Being a finish with paint and varnish we have to hold the piece in all processes, that is why at the end there will be a small unpainted circle on the inside of the piece.
In addition, the holes that are very deep and of small diameter, will not be completely painted.
(The image above shows in blue the areas to be Painting and Varnishing on this sample piece.)